I'm confident this course will help you make awesome videos only using your cell phone! You can enroll for FREE or pay what you can! I'm all about empowering others by sharing the things I know!!!

Welcome To The Course
Removing Stumbles
How To Add Background Music
Adding B Rolls
Adding Double B Rolls
Enter your bullet points here..
Working With Canva
Finding Images
Working With Viddyoze
Enter your bullet points here..
Making A Video From Start To Finish
Course Review
Enter your bullet points here..

I just don't have the time to sit in my office and make videos on a computer. I knew there had to be a better way to make more engaging and dynamic videos. I looked at outsourcing it and production cost is insane. There had to be a better way for people like me just starting out.
So, I enrolled in a video training course and learned how to make my videos better. I took what I learned in the course and broke the process down in a simple, easy to follow step by step course! There was a lot of fluff in the course I went through and I just wanted to learn the steps to make better videos. That's IT!!
There is no fluff in this course like many others. You could follow along and have a video like the one above DONE in an hour or two. I show you like I'm over your shoulder holding your hand making a video on your cell phone.
Sure, I could charge for this course but I don't want to be a capitalistic A**. I know what I give, I'll receive 10 fold. Like I always say, I love to empower people and this is a way I can empower you!

A Cell Phone #1
You will be making amazing videos just using a cell phone; so having one is a must!

A Desk Top or Tablet #2 Yes, you will be learning how to do this on a cell phone. However, I would suggest to follow along on a desktop computer or tablet. This will allow you to follow along.

Take Action #3
Just don't enroll in the course and watch how to do this. Actually do the steps and you will be amazed at what you can create.
I would love to see what you created. So, after taking the course; send me your video! There are no such things as bad students; only bad instructors. I'm so confident that you will be able to create awesome videos on your cell phone! If not, that is a short fall on my end.
I will personally help you through this process. If you are having trouble at all. I'm committed to your success! When you succeed I succeed.

I'm a self driven goal oriented individual that is always seeking ways to improve! At age 23 I enlisted into the US Marine Corps and earned the rank of sergeant. I held the billet of weapons company communications chief and did 2 deployments overseas. The first deployment was to Iraq to support combat operation, and the second deployment was based out of Okinawa Japan to conduct security patrols in the pacific region of the world.
I earned a bachelors degree in business administration from Strayer University. I have always loved helping others succeed and I'm the founder of Quick Biz Reviews! I'm also building training courses for veterans transitioning out of active military service.

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